CHRISTMAS 88 This Night a Wondrous Revelation Luke 1: 78–79 9. 8. 9. 8. 8. 8. Dies ist die Nacht, da mir erschienen Caspar F. Nachtenhoefer, c. 1683, alt. Tr., Anna Hoppe, 1922 O dass ich tausend Johann B. König, 1738 beam The Re Makes Fill Glad ban ness, ish, ing; tion Thou bliss joice, known my of my to Je light, Sun night 4 O 3 This of la sus, which 2 a The 1 This Sun gloom thee rev of can is e thy pre all Grace won drous for cious sad van stream ra of shall ger y and der its night o stars man ad me soul, heav soul ness ish, ing tion ri I sus’ and pray. fies; birth! grace; light, glo Je love with en in God’s pel that sun light Child gloom moon yon mer the and from Dis When The The How This It And I light drives though a of e child all night thou a through the of sand forth teach rays light me still our Thou shall its to And Its Sends Brings rays mas the the ed Christ lume all night Day skies. earth. race; this be il o’er ness Thee. be. day. vine. comes thee in Light that to from shall to di men. A be, ty way shine, that may ni a did light ter sin suns with and our er light all dark were A Thy And Still glow heav’n turns bright